Top 10 Impact Charities in Canada in 2021

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Over $17 billion was given to charities by Canadian donors last year. Many charities make a significant difference in the lives of those they work with. Charity Intelligence analysed the impact of 300 charities to see which charities have the greatest impact and create the most positive change.

Charity Intelligence released the Top 10 Impact Charities for 2021. These charities are making the greatest impact on Canadians they work with.

The 2021 Top 10 Impact Charities include charities providing social services in Canada as well as international programs. Many of these charities bring clean water and education to developing countries and produce high impact per dollar. Six of this year’s Top 10 Impact Charities work overseas in developing countries.

Here is the list

Charity                                                 Location                           Sector
Against Malaria Foundation Canada    Montreal, QC                     International – Health
Canadian Foodgrains Bank                  Winnipeg, MB                    International – Food Bank
The Citizens’ Foundation                      Oakville, ON                      International – Education
East York Learning Experience             Toronto, ON                      Education
Effect Hope                                           Markham, ON                   International – Health
Fresh Start Recovery                            Calgary, AB                       Addiction Recovery
Indspire                                                 Ohsweken, ON                 First Nations – Education
JUMP Math                                           Toronto, ON                      National – Education
Lifewater Canada                                 Thunder Bay, ON              International – Water
Operation Eyesight Universal              Calgary, AB                        International – Health

Click here to read Charity Intelligence report


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